The mountains might shake and hills might be removed.
But my grace for you will never be shaken.
And my covenant that promises peace to you will never be broken,
says the Lord,
who you loves.
My life so far
some milestones an pictures of my past
personal mission statement:
"Using God's wilderness to reach and disciple youth and adults for Jesus Christ"
About Me
My name is Cornelius Paul Enz, but most people just call me "Cor", which means in the Latin language "heart". My heart started to beat a couple of months before 14.03.1989, but it was on this day that I saw the world for the first time. It was in Ludwigsburg close to Stuttgart.
I grew up in a Christian family. The special thing about my parents is their authentic belief in Jesus Christ. Very early in my life, I got confronted with this belief .
During my childhood and adolescence, I was challenged by myself, asking what is my worldview. Philosophical thoughts and personal experiences have led me to believe in a creator god myself. But this creator god has revealed himself more and more in the person of Jesus Christ.
Now it is my dream and longing to live an authentic and living relationship with this gracious God. I would like to inspire many people with the burning and self-sacrificing love of Jesus Christ.
SOLI DEO GLORIA! To God alone be the glory!
Why am I excited about adventure based learning of Christ?
"There are school-loving people who like to go to school, they sit with joy in the classroom, read books and write essays.
But there are also enthusiastic people who want to conquer the world and master their lives with wisdom, without wanting to use the school library or reading books.
I have always belonged to the group of people, who were tired sitting on a school bench or on a church pew."
This is tedious! Why do we no longer combine learning with head, heart and hand.
This pedagogical approach inspires me, because it has the goal to be fully holistic to the students. Not just to teach head knowledge, but practical wisdom.
The learning should be influencing the actions and thinking of the students. And what is learned should have an impact in all areas of their lives.
An example from a christian perspective is that we are not reflecting fully God’s word, if we only affirm that God is merciful. Rather this fact should transform our actions and thoughts in our lives.
Adventure based learning can contribute a great deal of understanding of the message of Jesus Christ.